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Sign-up units
Sign-up units
Invite subscribers to opt in to messaging from you with mobile bubbles, landing pages, and more.
Create sign-up units
What are sign-up units?
Create a new sign-up unit
Use templates to build sign-up units
Create email-only sign-up units
Add spin to win to a sign-up unit
Add a pre-engagement page to a sign-up unit
See all 12 articles
Design sign-up units
Continue button
Countdown timer
Customize sign-up units to identify and inform existing subscribers
Dismiss button
See all 13 articles
Manage sign-up units
Show a sign-up unit when items are added to cart
Manage sign-up units
Copy a sign-up unit
Schedule a sign-up unit
Archive sign-up units
Manage Text-to-Join campaigns
See all 7 articles
Create and manage landing pages
Create a landing page
Embed a landing page on your site
FAQs: Sign-up unit schedules
Collect custom attributes from sign-up units
FAQs: Sign-up units
FAQs: List growth and incentives
Back in Stock Waitlist
Back in Stock Waitlist overview
Add the Back in Stock Waitlist code snippet to your Shopify store
Create a Back in Stock Waitlist sign-up unit
Create a Back in Stock Opt In journey
Back in Stock Waitlist subscriber experience
Sign-up discount CTAs
Add a sign-up discount CTA to your product pages
Add the sign-up discount CTA code snippet to your eCommerce store
Best practices and use cases
Pros and cons of phone number types
Use exit intent to gain more subscribers
Migrating your program to Attentive
The smarter, faster way to grow your list and increase revenue
Set up text to join promotions
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Best practices
Optimize your messaging with tips and tricks from the pros
notifications, connecting to vidmob, calls