HubSpot Workflows

With this integration, you can connect Attentive to HubSpot Workflows via Attentive APIs so you can send SMS messages to your subscribers from within HubSpot. You can combine email and SMS to send messages at key moments in a user’s journey.

Note: This integration uses the Attentive Custom Events API to trigger text messages in Attentive. Please read up on how the Custom Events API works and how the syntax of this API call is formatted.


Ensure that you meet the following requirements in order to set up this integration:

  • You must have one of the following editions of HubSpot:
    • Marketing Hub Professional, Enterprise
    • Sales Hub Professional, Enterprise
    • Service Hub Professional, Enterprise
    • Operations Hub Professional, Enterprise

Set up Custom Code Action in HubSpot

Complete the following procedure to create a custom code action in HubSpot and connect the Attentive Custom Events API:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account.
  2. Select the relevant workflow on the Automations tab or create a new workflow (from scratch or from a template).
  3. Add a Custom code action.
    The ‘Custom code’ action under ‘Workflow’ in HubSpot.

    The following sample code calls the Attentive Custom Events API, which includes a contact’s phone number, email address, first name, and last name as properties. Adjust as needed. 

    Adding custom code to a HubSpot workflow with language, description,
    and secrets selected or entered.
    • Language: Node.js 16x
    • Description: "Calls Attentive Custom Events API"
    • Secrets:
      • Follow these instructions to get an API key from Attentive.
      • Add the Attentive API Key (add secret).
        • Secret name: AttentiveAPIKey
        • Secret value: Bearer ENTER_YOUR_API_KEY
          Entering 'AttentiveAPIKey' as the secret
                name and your API key as the Secret value in HubSpot.

          Insert the following code snippet:
          const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');
          const axios = require('axios');
          exports.main = async (event, callback) => {
          // Your Attentive API endpoint
          const attentiveApiUrl = '';
          // Your Attentive API access token
          const attentiveApiToken = '<YOUR_ATTENTIVE_API_TOKEN>';
          // Your HubSpot API access token
          const hubspotApiToken = '<YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_TOKEN>';
          const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
          accessToken: hubspotApiToken
          try {
          // Retrieve contact's properties from HubSpot
          const contactId = event.object.objectId;
          const propertiesToRetrieve = ["phone", "email", "firstname", "lastname"];
          const contactResponse = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.getById(contactId, propertiesToRetrieve);
          // Extract properties from the response
          const phone =;
          const email =;
          const firstName =;
          const lastName =;
          // Constructing the request payload for Attentive API
          const attentivePayload = {
          type: '<YOUR_EVENT_TYPE>',
          user: {
          phone: phone,
          email: email
          properties: {
          firstname: firstName,
          lastname: lastName
          // Making the HTTP request to Attentive API
          const attentiveResponse = await, attentivePayload, {
          headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${attentiveApiToken}`,
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
          console.log('Attentive API response:',;
          } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error calling Attentive API:', error);
          throw error;
          • Replace <YOUR_ATTENTIVE_API_TOKEN>, <YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_TOKEN>, and <YOUR_EVENT_TYPE> in the code snippet with the correct values. See HubSpot’s documentation to learn how to generate an API token in HubSpot.
  4. Test the action at least once with a test subscriber that's already in Attentive and subscribed. You should see a SUCCESS message.
  5. Save the action.
  6. Log in to your Attentive account and set up the body of the message in Journeys. For more information about journeys that use custom triggers, see What are custom journey triggers?

Your HubSpot Workflows account is now connected to Attentive.

(Optional) Check subscriber status of contact before making Custom Events API call

If you’d like to check a subscriber’s subscription status in HubSpot workflows before calling the Custom Events API, follow these steps:

A custom code action in HubSpot that checks' a subscriber's subscription status before calling the Custom Events API.

  1. Before the Custom Events API custom code action, create another custom code action with the following:
    Adding a custom code action before the custom code action that
    calls the Attentive Custom Events API.
    • Language: Node.js 16x
    • Description: "Checks subscriber status in Attentive (GET Subscriber API)"
    • Secrets: Use the same AttentiveAPIKey as above

      Insert the following code snippet:
      const axios = require('axios');
      const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');

      exports.main = async (event, callback) => {

      // Your Attentive API endpoint for checking subscriptions
      const attentiveApiUrl = '';

      // Your Attentive API access token
      const attentiveApiToken = '<YOUR_ATTENTIVE_API_TOKEN>';

      // Your HubSpot API access token
      const hubspotApiToken = '<YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_TOKEN>';

      const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
      accessToken: hubspotApiToken

      try {
      // Retrieve contact's properties from HubSpot
      const contactId = event.object.objectId;
      const propertiesToRetrieve = ["phone", "email"];
      const contactResponse = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.getById(contactId, propertiesToRetrieve);

      // Extract properties from the response
      const phone =;
      const email =;

      // Making the HTTP GET request to check if subscriber exists
      let attentiveResponse;
      try {
      attentiveResponse = await axios.get(attentiveApiUrl, {
      headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${attentiveApiToken}`
      params: {
      phone: phone,
      email: email
      } catch (err) {
      if (err.response && err.response.status === 404) {
      // Subscriber not found, handle as expected behavior
      attentiveResponse = { status: 404, data: {} };
      } else {
      // Other errors, throw as usual
      throw err;

      // Extracting subscription status
      let marketingEligible = false;
      let textEligible = false;
      if (attentiveResponse.status === 200) {
      const subscriptionEligibilities =;
      if (Array.isArray(subscriptionEligibilities) && subscriptionEligibilities.length > 0) {
      subscriptionEligibilities.forEach(subscriptionEligibility => {
      if (subscriptionEligibility.subscription.type === "MARKETING" && subscriptionEligibility.eligibility.isEligible) {
      marketingEligible = true;
      if ( === "TEXT" && subscriptionEligibility.eligibility.isEligible) {
      textEligible = true;

      // Determine if the subscriber is eligible based on conditions
      const attentiveEligible = attentiveResponse.status === 200 && marketingEligible && textEligible;

      // Return response using callback function
      outputFields: {
      Attentive_Response_Status: attentiveResponse.status,
      Marketing_Subscriber: marketingEligible,
      Text_Subscriber: textEligible,
      Attentive_Eligible: attentiveEligible
      Attentive_Eligible: attentiveEligible

      } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error:', error);
      throw error;
      • Replace <YOUR_ATTENTIVE_API_TOKEN>, <YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_TOKEN>in the code snippet with the correct values. See HubSpot’s documentation to learn how to generate an API token in HubSpot.
      • Data Outputs: Add an Output here that is a Number data type and name it Attentive_Eligible
        A Data output in Hubspot named Attentive_Eligible.
  2. Test the action at least once with a test subscriber that is already in Attentive and subscribed. You should see a SUCCESS message.
  3. Save the action.
  4. Create a Branch action:
    • Logic: Based on a single action outcome
      The ‘Based on a single action outcome’ branch logic option
        in HubSpot.
    • Property: Attentive_Eligible
    • Branch on the value Attentive_Eligible
      • Branch 1: Yes
      • Branch 2: Leave this blank (this is for if the subscriber doesn't exist in Attentive)
        Alt text: Creating two branches in HubSpot based on the Attentive_Response_Status,
            one for 'Yes' and the other blank.
  5. Save the action.

    Move the Custom Events API custom code action under the Yes branch. 


    We’re here to help! Contact our White Glove team ( to ask about the Attentive + HubSpot Workflows integration.

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