Set up global link tracking

You can set up global link tracking that sets default parameters (e.g., utm_source=attentive) for every link in your brand’s text and email messages.

If this is the first time you’re setting up global link tracking for your brand, the default values for link parameters are as follows:

  • utm_source: attentive (for both email and SMS)
  • utm_medium: email (for links in email messages), sms (for links in SMS messages)
  • utm_campaign: {{message.messageName}}

You can override these default parameters at the message level for email campaign and journey messages, as well as text campaign and journey messages.

Example: The default global link parameter for utm_campaign is {{message.messageName}}. You create a new campaign message to announce a Mother’s Day sale. You want to be able to associate the message with other Mother’s Day campaign messages, so you change the utm_campaign value for that message to mothers_day_{{message.messageName}}.

Set up global link tracking

Follow these steps to set up global link parameters for link tracking:

  1. Go to Settings > Link Tracking.
  2. Check the boxes for the link parameters (e.g., utm_campaign, utm_content) that you want as your default message link tracking parameters.
    • If you use Attentive Email, be sure to review the parameters in both the SMS link tracking and Email link tracking sections.
  3. For each checked parameter, enter the Campaign value and Journey value.
    • Some parameters let you use variables in values, such as {{message.messageId}} and {{message.messageName}}. Click { } to add a variable.

      Note: Variables can’t be added to utm_source or utm_media values.
    • You can combine multiple variables and freeform text in a value. For example: yourcompanyname_{{message.messageId}}_{{message.messageName}}
  4. Click Save settings when you’re finished enabling and customizing your global link tracking parameters.

Selecting the ‘{{message.messageName}} variable for the utm_campaign SMS link tracking campaign value.

Add custom global link tracking parameters

  1. Click + Add a custom query parameter.
  2. Enter a parameter Name, Campaign value, and Journey value.
    • If you use Attentive Email, be sure to review the parameters in both the SMS link tracking and Email link tracking sections.
    • Custom parameters let you use variables in values, such as {{message.messageId}} and {{message.messageName}}. Click { } to add a variable.
    • You can combine multiple variables and freeform text in a value. For example: holiday_sale_{{message.messageId}}_{{message.messageName}}
  3. (Optional) Click + Add a custom query parameter to create additional parameters.
  4. (Optional) Click the X next to a custom parameter to remove it.
  5. Click Save.

Add link tracking to different links in the same message

When you set up global link tracking that appends default parameters and values to your messages, these values are applied to all links in a message.

For example, if you send a campaign message with two links, and the global default utm_campaign value is spring_campaigns, that value is appended to both links.

If you want to differentiate between multiple links in the same message, you can manually add link tracking parameters and values to those links. Here’s how to manually add link tracking parameters to links in text messages:

  • Click on the first link in the message composer.
  • In the Link URL field at the top of the Edit short link window, type the parameter and value you want to use at the end of the URL, e.g.: ?utm_term=link1
  • Click Update shortlink.
  • Repeat steps 1–3 for additional links, using a new link tracking value for each link, e.g.: ?utm_term=link2.

The ‘Edit short link’ window for a link in a campaign text message
  with a manually added link tracking parameter added to the URL and highlighted
  in the ‘Link URL’ field.

And here’s how to manually add link tracking parameters to links in email messages:

  • Open the email message in the email editor.
  • Click on the first link in the email.
  • Click the link icon.
  • In the Url field in the Insert link window, type the parameter and value you want to use at the end of the URL, e.g.: ?utm_term=link1
  • Click OK.

Repeat steps 2–5 for additional links, using a new link tracking value for each link, e.g.: ?utm_term=link2.

The ‘Insert link’ window for a link in an email message with a manually added link tracking parameter added to the URL and highlighted in the ‘Url’ field.


  • If you manually add a link tracking parameter that already exists at the global or message level, Attentive automatically identifies and removes duplicate tracking parameters.
  • You can’t manually add parameters to links that include variables (e.g., {{subscriber.userIdHash}}) in the URL.

Frequently asked questions

What query parameters are automatically added to each link in a message based on the global Link Tracking settings?

By default, each link in each of your messages includes all the parameters set up in your global Link Tracking settings. These parameters are applied to all new messages. They aren’t applied retroactively to any active or draft messages, nor are they applied to scheduled messages or messages currently sending.

Can I add or edit different parameters for different links in the same message?

By default, all links in the same message share the same query parameters unless you manually add different parameters to each link. Keep in mind that you can’t manually add parameters to dynamic links (e.g., {{subscriber.cartLink}}).

Which parameter value takes precedence if the same parameter is set at both the link level (i.e., manually added to a link) and the message level?

Parameter values set at the message-level (i.e., applied in Email details for emails or in the Add a short link window for text messages) override both global parameter values and those manually added at the link level. However, manually-added link-level parameter values can override global parameter values if they don’t conflict with message-level values.


  • An email message has a utm_term link parameter with the value shoes at the message level and the value running_shoes at the link level. The value of the link parameter in the email message that subscribers actually receive will be shoes.
  • A text message has a utm_campaign link parameter with the global value sale and the value spring_sale at the link level. Parameter values aren’t overridden at the message level. The value of the link parameter in the text message that subscribers actually receive will be spring_sale.

Can I assign link tracking variables to an offer link?

This feature is coming soon!

Where can I learn more about link tracking for different types of messages?

The following articles can help you set up link tracking in campaign and journey email and text messages:

Articles in this section

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