Create Attentive journey triggers for custom event API data

The Custom Events API lets you trigger message email and text message sends based on events captured outside Attentive, such as a loyalty tier update, a product review request, a follow-up from a store visit, and endless other possibilities.

This guide walks through the steps required for you to create and then edit branded journey triggers using custom event API data.

Note: This functionality is only available for vendors of publicly distributed apps in the Attentive marketplace (i.e., apps that are available to all of Attentive's customers). See Build an app to connect with Attentive's APIs to learn how to create a journey using the Custom Events API. 


  1. Create a custom app. (See Create and manage custom apps for details.)
  2. In the app, set the Custom Events API permissions to Write.
  3. Send Custom Events API data to Attentive.
    Your custom events must be shared among all installers and not set up by the installers themselves.

Create a journey trigger

Any data sent from the Custom Events API immediately appears in Journeys as a trigger for both email and text message journeys. However, in order for it to show up as branded on the Journeys page and the integration listing page, you have to create a journey trigger in your app setup.

  1. From your app setup page, navigate to the Manage journey triggers tab and click + Create Journey Trigger.
    The Create Journey Trigger button

    The Create journey trigger form appears.
  2. In the Triggering event dropdown, select the event for which you want to create a journey trigger.
    Note: You can only create one trigger for each event type.
  3. Under Journey trigger type, select the trigger type (Promotional or Transactional).
    Note: You can’t update the trigger type after you’ve selected and saved it.
  4. Enter a Journey trigger name.
  5. Enter a Journey trigger description.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: After you’ve created and saved the trigger, you can’t delete it.
    The Create Journey Trigger form

Edit a journey trigger

If you need to edit a journey trigger, click its tile on the Manage journey triggers tab of your app setup page. Then make and save your changes on the Edit journey trigger form.

Note that you can only edit the Journey trigger name and Journey trigger description.

Test a journey trigger

In order to test that the implementation is working as expected, we recommend that you make an API call with your own phone number that's an active SMS subscriber.

To test your branded journey:

  1. On the Journeys tab, click + Create journey.
  2. On the Create journeys window, click Start from scratch.
    A list of all of your triggers displays, including any custom events.
  3. Confirm that your journeys are branded as expected with the correct title and description.
  4. Set up a journey with a chosen custom event type. See Create a custom journey for details.
  5. Send the custom event with your phone number using the Custom Events API.
  6. Confirm that you receive the relevant messages for that journey.

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