The Trending topics chart on your Concierge dashboard showcases the most popular topics in subscriber conversations with Concierge live agents. These trending topics offer actionable insights, empowering you to:
- Anticipate customer needs
- Avoid being caught off guard
- Identify opportunities for growth
View conversational insights
Go to Conversations > Concierge to see insights from your Concierge conversations. Insights appear in the chart under Trending topics.
The chart lets you compare the topics that most frequently appear in your brand’s Concierge conversations. Hover over a particular topic to see a more detailed breakdown.
The chart includes the following topics:
- Canceled
- Refund/return
- Modify
- Exchange
- Discount issue
- Discount request
- Product question
- Shipping info
- Checkout
- Order status
How conversational insights are calculated
The Attentive platform calculates the frequency that a topic appears in conversations by looking for conversations that include certain key words or phrases. If associated key words or phrases appear at least once in a conversation (session), then that conversation is counted in the Trending topics chart.
For example, several key words and phrases are associated with the Checkout topic (such as “cart”, “checkout,” “payment,” etc.). Any conversations that include at least one instance of these key words or phrases are counted towards the Checkout percentage in the Trending topics chart.
- The Trending topics chart only shows data from the past 30 days.
- Not all topics may be represented in your brand’s Trending topics chart.
- The total of the percentages that count towards each topic won’t equal 100%, because not all conversations can be counted towards a topic.