Create a date-triggered journey

Heads up: Date-triggered journeys work by leveraging multiple Attentive features. You may want to review the following before getting started:

Date-triggered journeys let you send automated messages to subscribers based on a dynamic date. For example, you can use these journeys to send a happy birthday message on a subscriber’s birthday or a happy anniversary message the week before their wedding anniversary. You can customize date-triggered journeys to meet the needs of your brand, and use them for a wide variety of other date-based use cases.

Date-triggered journeys use the Joined a Segment journey trigger.

Before you begin

You'll need to complete the following five items before you start using date-triggered journeys:

  1. Decide what type of date-triggered journey you want to create. Keep in mind that you can set the dynamic segment entry criteria to add subscribers on an exact date, or a specified number of days prior to or following a particular date.
  2. Create a new custom attribute that uses Date as the input type.
  3. Create a new dynamic segment with the following settings:
    • Condition: A subscriber’s characteristics.
    • Characteristic: The name of the custom attribute you created in step 2.
    • Timing: When you want to send an automated message based on relative time. To send a message one week before the date, select Days until.
    • Date, date range, or number of days
    • This date is recurring: Enable if this date is recurring, like a birthday or wedding anniversary.
      Segment builder showing a Birthday condition set to 7 Days until, with a toggle indicating this is a recurring date.
  4. Work with your CSM to create or update an existing sign-up unit to collect a date from new subscribers.
  5. Finally, create and turn on a Joined a Segment journey that uses the dynamic segment you created in step 3 in the trigger settings.

Create a date-triggered journey

  1. Go to Journeys and click + Create journey.
  2. Select the Joined a Segment trigger, and then click Get started.
  3. Click Settings above the Joined a Segment trigger.
  4. Click Choose a segment and select the dynamic segment you created earlier. You can use the search field to make it easier to find. Click Apply selection, and then Save in the lower right corner.
  5. Click the Send text message step.
  6. Edit the message copy to suit the goal of your journey. For example:
    Hey {{subscriber.firstName}}, happy pre-birthday! To celebrate, take 15% off your next purchase on us: {{}}.

    Note that you can optionally include images, macros like {{subscriber.firstName}} to personalize your message, and attach offers to help incentivize clicks and sales on your store.
    Once you’re finished editing, click Save in the lower right corner.
  7. Click Turn on in the upper right corner to immediately enable your date-triggered journey, or click Schedule to activate it at a future date and time. Once active, you can review your journey’s performance from the Journeys list page.

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