Review email click maps

Email click maps provide visual representations of where subscribers click in your email messages. By looking at click maps, you can identify which links get the most engagement so you can optimize your email strategy.

Open email click maps

Click maps are available for campaign and journey email messages.

Open a campaign email click map

To view a click map for a campaign email message:

  1. Go to Campaigns.
  2. Click a campaign to open it.
  3. Above the Link performance table, click View click map.
  4. (Optional) Click Click map help to learn more about click maps and how to read them.
  5. (Optional) Click View click map to toggle the click map on and off.

Animation showing a user opening a campaign, clicking the ‘View click
  map’ link, clicking ‘Get map help,’ and toggling the click map off.

Open a journey email click map

To view a click map for a journey email message:

  1. Go to Journeys.
  2. Click a journey tile to open it.
  3. Click the email step in the journey you want to see the heat map for.
  4. Click Preview.
  5. Click View click map.
  6. (Optional) Click Click map help to learn more about click maps and how to read them.

Animation showing a user opening a journey, clicking a journey email
  message, opening the preview, clicking the ‘View click map’ toggle, and clicking
  ‘Get map help.’

Explore click maps

To learn more about how to read the click map, click Click map help in the email preview. You can also refer to the sections below for more details.


A couple different icons appear in click maps to indicate important information:

  • Star icon: The top-clicked link.
  • Bracket icon: An email row with conditional display logic. This logic controls whether rows in an email are shown or hidden based on subscriber attributes.


Click maps use a sequential color scheme to indicate link performance by click-through percentage:

  • Gray: 0% (least clicked)
  • Yellow: 1% - 4.9%
  • Orange: 5% - 9.9%
  • Red-Orange: 10% - 19.9%
  • Red: 20% (most clicked)

Dynamic links

If your email includes dynamic links, all clicks for that link are counted in the first place the link appears in the email.

Product recommendations

If your email includes product recommendations, clicks are aggregated by the position of the product, not the actual individual product. This can help you understand the overall performance of product recommendation placement in your email.

Duplicate links

If your email includes the same link in multiple locations, unique identifiers are automatically appended to differentiate between duplicate links. This gives them unique URLs, which allows click maps to show you how each link placement performs individually.

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