Track A/B test variant links with a variable

When you set up send time (SMS & email) and subject line (email) A/B tests and your email or SMS message variations include links, you must include the following variable in your link to track performance for each variant: {{message.messageName}} . You can add this variable to any link tracking parameter or directly in the link itself.

The {{message.messageName}} variable is automatically populated with variant information, allowing you to track performance in third-party analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics.

For more information about adding link tracking parameters to links, including adding variables like {{message.messageName}}, see Add custom link tracking parameters to messages.

How the {{message.messageName}} variable works

The {{message.messageName}} variable resolves differently based on your test type.

Send time tests

The {{message.messageName}} variable resolves in this format: [Message Name]-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-AM

Example: Campaign named "2024-Summer-Sale":

  • Manual timing variant (10 AM CT): 2024-Summer-Sale-2024-07-01-10-00-AM
  • Send Time AI variant: 2024-Summer-Sale-2024-07-01-AI-send-time

See Test your send time against an AI-optimized send time for more information about setting up A/B tests with Send Time AI.

Subject line tests

The {{message.messageName}} variable resolves in this format: [Message Name]-X (where X is A, B, etc.)

Example: Campaign named "2024-Summer-Sale":

  • First variant: 2024-Summer-Sale-A
  • Second variant: 2024-Summer-Sale-B

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