Back-in-stock email journeys

Create a back-in-stock email journey to notify email subscribers when an item is back in stock. You can configure the number of times that a subscriber must view the out-of-stock product to qualify for the journey. Then, the journey sends them customized email notifications when the item is back in stock.

If you have browse, cart, or checkout abandonment journeys live at the same time, Attentive only notifies subscribers based on their most recent step.

Create a back-in-stock journey

For back-in-stock journeys, we recommend sending a text message followed by an email. Then, branch against subscribers who’ve already added a product to their cart.

  1. At the top-right corner of the Journeys page, click + Create journey.
    The Create journeys page appears.
  2. In the Multi-channel journeys section, select Back in Stock - Text + Email. Then, click Get started.
  3. In the first Branch, set branch 1 to Email Only. Then, add a second branch, and set that to Both Text + Email
    • This allows you to notify subscribers via text, unless they only opted in to emails. Then, they'll receive the notification via email.
      Creating two branches in a back-in-stock journey: one branch with email-only subscribers and another with email and text subscribers.
  4. In the Email Only branch, add a Send email step. Design the back-in-stock email for your customers.
  5. In the Text + Email branch, add a Send text message step. Include the product name and a link to purchase it. Click the following buttons to add media:
    • An image of the media button.: Add the following media to your text: image, GIF, native MP4 audio or video file (500KB), MP4 video preview link (8MB), or virtual contact card.
    • An image of the emoji button.: Add emojis to your text.
    • An image of the link button.: Add a link to your website or offer. This should be a shortened link and include Google Analytics tracking.
    • An image of the personalizations button.: Insert personalizations, such as the customer’s name or the name of your bestseller product. This is only available if you integrate with Shopify.
    • An image of the offers button.: Select or create an offer to include in your text. This is applied at checkout when the customer makes an eligible purchase.
      A back-in-stock journey with two branches: a branch with an email sent to email-only subscribers and a branch with a text message sent to email and text subscribers.
  6. Customize the remaining steps in the journey. 
  7. When you're satisfied with your journey, click Turn on in the top-right corner. 

Best practices

Because an item being out of stock is a negative experience for subscribers, we recommend using the journey to build credibility in the following ways:

  • Mention why this product sells out frequently.
  • Offer a discount to customers when they purchase it.
  • Create clean, straightforward copy that contains a CTA about how to complete the purchase.


Learn more about Attentive Email

If you're interested in learning more about Attentive Email, please submit your information here.

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