Subscribers & Sign-Up Units reports

The following visual reports are available to help you review and optimize subscriber growth with Attentive.


Report name Description
Email Subscriber Growth

This report shows the growth of your email marketing subscribers. The report shows the number of Email Subscribes, Email Unsubscribes, and Total Email Marketing Subscribers as of the end of the day for each day in the selected date range.

  • Email Subscribes: New subscribers who opted in to receive your emails within the selected date range.
    • Above the graph: Total number of email subscribes for the date range.
    • In the table: Number of email subscribes for each day in the date range.
  • Email Unsubscribes: Subscribers who unsubscribed from your email list within the selected date range.
    • Above the graph: Total number of email unsubscribes for the date range.
    • In the table: Number of email unsubscribes for each day in the date range.
  • Total Email Marketing Subscribers: Cumulative number of subscribers who opted in to receive your emails as of each day of the selected date range.
  • This report is only available to customers who use Attentive Email.
  • In addition to new subscribes and unsubscribes, total email marketing subscribers also include suppression events, i.e., when subscribers are suppressed or unsuppressed. This can affect the total subscriber count. This means that the day-over-day change may not always equal the previous day's cumulative count + new subscribes - unsubscribes.
Text Subscriber Growth This report shows the growth of your text marketing subscribers. The report shows the number of Text Subscribes, Text Unsubscribes, and Total Text Marketing Subscribers as of the end of the day for each day in the selected date range.
  • Text Subscribes: New subscribers who opted in to receive texts from you within the selected date range.
    • Above the graph: Total number of text subscribes for the date range.
    • In the table: Number of text subscribes for each day in the date range.
  • Text Unsubscribes: Subscribers who unsubscribed from your text messages within the selected date range.
    • Above the graph: Total number of text unsubscribes for the date range.
    • In the table: Number of text unsubscribes for each day in the date range.
  • Total Text Marketing Subscribers: Cumulative number of subscribers who opted in to receive text messages from you as of each day of the selected date range.
Sign-up Units Performance This report shows all data pertaining to sign-up unit performance metrics. By default, this report shows data from the last 30 days grouped by day. You can see metrics based on impressions, clicks, joins, email saves, total revenue, and number of purchases.
Sign-up Units Performance Over Range This report shows you key sign-up unit metrics aggregated over a customizable date range. By default, this report shows data from the last 30 days grouped by sign-up unit. For each sign-up unit, you can see the sign-up unit type, number of impressions, number of clicks, click-through rate, email subscribes, SMS subscribes, email conversion rate, and SMS conversion rate.

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