Campaign reports

The following reports are available to help you review and optimize campaign performance with Attentive.

When reviewing campaign reports, keep in mind that campaigns and individual messages within campaigns have distinct names. For more information about how campaigns are named in Attentive, see Campaign vs. campaign message names.


Report name Description
Campaign Performance

This report shows all data pertaining to campaign performance metrics. By default, this report shows data from the last 30 days grouped by day. You can see metrics based on delivered campaigns, total clicks, total click rate, conversions, conversion rate, revenue, unsubscribes, and opt out rate.

Notes: Revenue metrics are attributed to the campaign send date. Keep in mind that this differs from revenue metrics in the Dashboard, which are attributed to conversion date.

Detailed Campaign Message Performance

This report provides a comprehensive overview of aggregate campaign performance metrics from the last 30 days, grouped by day. It encompasses key data points such as sends, delivery stats, open and click rates (both total and unique), conversions and their corresponding rates, revenue-related metrics, unsubscribe figures and bounce rates.

Campaign Message A/B Test Performance

This report allows you to view and compare the performance of different message variants in your A/B test campaigns. You can use this report to determine which variant is the top performer to help you optimize your campaigns. For each message variant, you can see the name of the message, the name of the message variant, message copy, the number delivered, total clicks, total click rate, number of conversions, conversion rate, revenue, number of unsubscribes, and unsubscribe rate.

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