
The Bazaarvoice + Attentive integration lets you intelligently deliver personalized review requests directly to customers via SMS and email. Product reviews are critical for increasing customer trust and the likelihood that they’ll make a purchase. Our integration can help you generate more product feedback and user-generated content throughout the customer journey. Use it to target your most engaged subscribers, reward them when they complete a review, and encourage them to purchase similar products.

With this integration, you can:

  • Request reviews in post-purchase and transactional shipping journeys
  • Message customers who submit reviews to thank them and/or offer a discount
  • Segment customers based on their review content, including number of stars, when they completed the review, or whether the review included an image or video


Ensure that you meet the following requirements to set up this integration:

  • You have a Bazaarvoice account.
  • You’re collecting or have email addresses for your subscribers.
  • You’ve reached out to your Attentive CSM to enable the integration on your account.

Step 1. Collect Bazaarvoice information

Contact your Bazaarvoice account team and Bazaarvoice Partnerships to request the following information to enable the integration, which you’ll need in Step 2:

  • API key
  • Email shared secret key
  • Shared encoding key
  • Workbench name
  • Deployment zone

Note: In addition to the credentials and data above, you must also request the ability to retrieve emails from Bazaarvoice.

Step 2. Set up the integration in Attentive

Next, complete the following procedure to set up the integration in Attentive:

  1. Go to the integrations setup page and select Bazaarvoice.
  2. Click Install.
  3. Select the Environment you want to integrate with Attentive (staging or production environment).
    Note: While you might select your staging environment initially (for testing purposes), you should select the production environment once you’re ready to go live.
  4. Enter the following details, which you obtained in Step 1:
    • API Key
    • Email Shared Secret Key
    • Shared Encoding Key
    • Workbench Name
    • Deployment Zone
      Note: Please double check that the keys you entered are correct. Incorrectly entering keys may cause broken review links to be sent. As a best practice, we recommend creating a test post-purchase journey to verify that the review links are displaying correctly.
  5. Click Save and continue.
    Your Bazaarvoice account is now connected to Attentive.
    bazaarvoice 1.png

Step 3. Request reviews via post-purchase or transactional shipping journey

After the integration is connected, you can create a journey in Attentive to send a post-purchase message to customers to request a product review. The review request link takes the subscriber to a Bazaarvoice-hosted page to complete the review. The review page includes either a single product or multiple products, depending on what was included in the purchase. We recommend only sending this message to customers who are also marketing subscribers, not transactional-only subscribers. See Transactional vs promotional: Which should I choose? for more information.

  1. Go to the Journeys tab.
  2. Create or edit an existing post-purchase or shipping journey.

    Note: We recommend adding a wait step to account for shipping.
  3. Add a new Send text message message step, and include the Review Link variable in your message.

    Note: You can only use the review link in post-purchase and Shopify order confirmation journeys. It's not compatible with other journey triggers at this time.
    bazaarvoice 2.png
    After you choose Review Link, options to customize and add link tracking parameters appear.
  4. Click + Add parameter and create a custom link tracking parameter with the following values:
    • Name: campaignId
    • Value: attentive
      A custom parameter with the 'Name' 'campaignid' and the 'Value' 'attentive' in the 'Insert variable' window after adding 'Review Link' to a message.
      You can also create additional custom parameters or override the values of the default parameters as needed.
  5. (Optional) Add other variables, like product name.
  6. Save the journey.

Step 4. Send messages to customers who’ve completed a review

After you’ve requested and received product reviews, you can send a message to customers who’ve submitted reviews and offer them a discount or just reach out to thank them. We recommend only sending this message to customers who are also marketing subscribers, not transactional-only subscribers. See Transactional vs promotional: Which should I choose? for more information.

  1. Go to the Journeys tab.
  2. Click + Create journey.
  3. Click Start from scratch.
  4. Select the Bazaarvoice - Review Completed journey.
    bazaarvoice 3.png

Step 5. Segment customers on review attributes

After you’ve requested and received product reviews, you can create new segments in Attentive or include review completed event characteristics in existing segments based on customer review attributes. The following attributes are available for segmentation:

  • Review rating (i.e., 1-5 stars)
  • Time the review was created (e.g., reviews completed in the last six months)
  • Review was completed for a specific product or product category
  • Whether the review included an image or video

Follow these steps to create review attribute segments:

  1. Create a dynamic segment based on a subscriber’s activity.
  2. In the Choose activity dropdown, scroll to find the BAZAARVOICE section and select:
    • Completed review – to segment on time, product, and image/video
    • Left a rating – to filter on star rating

    Segment builder with two conditions: Completed review with image/video in Bags category in the last 365 days, and Left a rating between 4 and 5 stars, joined by an And operator.


We’re here to help! Contact our White Glove team ( to ask about the Attentive + Bazaarvoice integration.

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