Create a price drop journey

Heads up: This article details how price drop journeys work and how to use them, and assumes that you’re already familiar with how journeys work in Attentive. If you’re not, you may want to check out What are journeys? If you’re interested in building price drop journeys for specific products, you’ll also want to be familiar with branching in journeys.

Price sensitivity is one of the key reasons why customers add products to their cart, but don't complete the purchase. 

Price drop journeys help overcome price objections by sending subscribers messages letting them know that a product variant they viewed or added to their cart in the past now has a price drop. Because each price drop message is personalized to individual subscribers, they make the special offer feel exclusive and increase urgency as subscribers aren’t told how long the discount will last.

Price drop journey settings with options to select subscriber actions and timeframes.

Price drop journeys trigger when the price of a product variant in your store drops by a customizable percentage amount. You can also set whether price drop journeys trigger for any product variant in your store that has a price drop of the set amount, or for individual product variants, product categories, or tags.

Tip: Turn on Smart Sending for your price drop journeys to limit how many marketing messages your subscribers receive within a set period. This helps prevent message fatigue while still providing timely, valuable offers.

You should know

  • Price drop journeys require that you share your inventory data with Attentive. You can share this data via an eCommerce integration or the Product Catalog API
  • Price drop journeys trigger only on products that have a variant, like small size or green color.
  • You can configure additional settings for price drop journeys in the trigger settings menu. For more, check out How price drop trigger settings work.
  • Price drop journeys include a unique personalization: {{triggerEvent.product.priceDropPct}}. When added to a message, it shows subscribers the size of the discount. You can use this to seamlessly add copy to drive additional revenue, like:

    The price of {{}} has dropped by {{triggerEvent.product.priceDropPct}}! Click here before it’s gone: {{}}.

    For more on personalizations in messages, see Add personalization to your messages.
  • Price drop journeys are retroactive for the add to cart and/or product view window that you set. For example, if you turn on the journey today and set your add to cart and/or product view window to In the past 30 days, any of your subscribers who added it to their cart and/or viewed the product and the price dropped within the last 30 days would enter the journey.
  • Want to learn best practices for price drop journeys? Check out Use cases: Price drop journeys.
  • You can use unique or shared discount codes with price drop journeys, but not integrated offers like Shopify auto-gen offer codes. Because price drop journeys may trigger for multiple subscribers at the same time, price drop messages could get dropped if the offer depletes more quickly than it can be replenished.

Which products trigger price drop journeys?

You can build price drop journeys to send messages to your subscribers about price drops in two ways:

  • When any product variant on your store has a price drop.
  • When a specific product, including its variants, on your store has a price drop.

How price drop trigger settings work

Price drop and low inventory journeys bring some new options to journeys: trigger settings. You can tell which journeys have additional trigger settings by the Settings badge on the trigger:


Once clicked, the trigger settings panel opens where you can set:

  • Price drop %: The minimum percentage in price that a product has to drop by in order for this journey to trigger. If a price drops by more than the price drop %, that'll trigger the price drop journey, too.

    Tip: Set the price drop % to match the minimum discount that you usually offer, like 10%. This way, your subscribers will be notified when prices drop by larger amounts for seasonal promotions, like 25%.
  • Include subscribers who: The subscribers that you want to enter this journey.
  • Exclude subscribers who: The subscribers who you don't want to enter this journey. The default settings exclude subscribers who purchased the product that triggered the price drop journey over all time, although you may consider only excluding subscribers who purchased the item recently (e.g. in the last week) to avoid message fatigue.

Price drop journeys best practices

Price drop journeys are pretty great out of the box, but there are a variety of ways you can improve them for your brand. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t add a wait step before branching! Price drop journeys are all about urgency, so don’t hamstring your sale by waiting.
  • Use time-sensitive messaging to create a sense of urgency for subscribers. You can even A/B test different text copy variations to find which approach works best for your brand.
  • Include dynamic product images to visually remind subscribers which item has dropped in price.

Create a price drop journey for any product variant on your store

  1. While signed in to Attentive, go to Journeys.
  2. Click + Create journey.
  3. Click the Price Drop prebuilt journey tile, and then click Get Started.
    A new price drop journey opens.
  4. Click Settings on the price drop trigger.
  5. Set a percent of price drop that triggers the journey.
    For example, set 5% to trigger a price drop journey when any product variant in your store has a price drop of 5% or more.
  6. Set which subscribers should be included in this price drop journey.
    As a general rule, include any subscriber who viewed and/or added a product to their cart at least once in the last 30 days, while excluding subscribers who've already purchased the product whose price dropped.
  7. Click Turn on in the upper right corner to launch your journey. You can also click Schedule to set a future date and time to activate your journey.

Create a price drop journey for specific products

  1. While signed in to Attentive, go to Journeys.
  2. Click + Create journey.
  3. Click the Price Drop prebuilt journey tile, and then click Get Started.
    A new price drop journey opens.
  4. Click Settings on the price drop trigger.
    The Price drop settings panel opens.
  5. Set a percent of price drop that triggers the journey.
    For example, set 5% to trigger a price drop journey when any product variant in your store has a price drop of 5% or more.
  6. Next, set which subscribers should be included and excluded in your price drop journey. As a general rule, include any subscriber who viewed and/or added a product to their cart at least once in the last 30 days, while excluding subscribers who already purchased the product whose price dropped.
  7. Before the Send text message step, add a branch step.
    The Branch panel opens.
  8. For Condition, select What product’s price dropped.
  9. For Product property, set whether you want to message subscribers based on price drops for product name, category, collection, or tag.
  10. For Branch 1, select the first product and then click Apply Selection. You can select more than one.
  11. If you want to add additional branches for additional products, click Add branch and repeat the above step. When you’re finished adding branches, click Save in the bottom right corner of the panel.
  12. Next, add a Send text message step for each branch. Make sure to include the {{}}, {{triggerEvent.product.priceDropPct}}, and shortlink in each message!
  13. Finally, add an End journey step at the bottom of the journey. 
  14. Click Turn on in the upper right corner to launch your journey. You can also click Schedule to set a future date and time to activate your journey.

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