Loop Subscriptions

If you’re a Shopify merchant, Loop Subscriptions can help you improve your customer repeat rate and achieve higher customer LTV by converting customers into subscribers. By integrating Loop Subscriptions with Attentive, you can set up transactional journeys to send SMS messages to your subscribers, and you can send one-click password-less links to allow subscribers to modify their subscriptions.

With this integration, you can:

  • Set up transactional journeys based on subscription events like Subscription Started, Upcoming Order, Order Skipped, Payment Failed, Subscription Paused, Subscription Resumed, Subscription Cancelled, and Subscription Reactivated.
  • Target subscribers by creating segments based on active subscriptions, products subscribed, cancelled subscriptions, and completed orders.


Ensure that you meet the following requirements in order to set up this integration:

  • Have an account on Shopify
  • Have an account on Loop Subscriptions

Now, complete the following procedure to set up the integration for Loop Subscriptions and Attentive.

Set up the integration

  1. Go to https://app.loopwork.co/, and log in to your store.
  2. Open the integrations panel from the sidebar.
  3. Find the Attentive integration card and click Connect.
    A new page opens, showing the integration details.
  4. Go to the Set up instructions tab.
  5. Click Connect.
    You’re redirected to the Attentive OAuth flow.
  6. Authorize the app permissions.
    You’re automatically redirected back to the Loop integrations page, and Attentive is now connected successfully!

Use custom events in Journeys

After the integration is connected, you can create a custom journey in Attentive using the custom events from Loop Subscriptions. The following table lists the available custom events for the journey:

Custom event Description
Loop Subscription Started When a new subscription is created via online store or customer portal or Loop admin
Loop Subscription Paused When a subscription is paused via customer portal or Loop admin
Loop Subscription Resumed When a subscription is resumed via customer portal or Loop admin
Loop Subscription Reactivated When a subscription is reactivated via customer portal or Loop admin
Loop Subscription Cancelled When a subscription is canceled via customer portal or Loop admin
Loop Subscription Expired When a subscription is auto-expired as per the max billing cycles defined in the plan
Loop Upcoming Order This metric is triggered x days before the upcoming order for a particular subscription. You can configure the number of days setting in the Loop Subscription app.
Loop Order Skipped When a subscription order is skipped in Loop admin or by customer portal
Loop Billing Attempt Failed and will be Retried When a subscription billing attempt fails and will be retried
Loop Billing Attempt Failed and Last Retry Left When a subscription billing attempt fails and only one retry is left
Loop Billing Attempt Failed When a subscription billing attempt fails with no retry left

All events are sent with a payload containing the following data:

Subscription-related data:

Field Description Type
customer_first_name First name of the customer String
customer_last_name Last name of the customer String
subscription_shopify_id Shopify ID of the subscription Bigint
is_prepaid Whether the subscription is a prepaid order or a pay-per-delivery order Boolean
completed_orders_to_date Successful orders created for the subscription Integer
line_items Comma-separated subscribed product names and quantity String
total_line_item_discounted_price Sum of the discounted prices of all the products in the subscription Float
currency_code Currency code added on the subscription String
shipping_price Shipping charges added on the subscription


shipping_price_currency_code Shipping charge currency code added on the subscription


next_billing_date Next order date of the subscription


billing_interval_count Billing interval count of the subscription


delivery_interval_count Delivery interval count of the subscription


interval_type Interval type (day, week, month, year)


subscription_status Subscription status (active, paused, canceled)


subscription_created_at Subscription created datetime


subscription_updated_at Subscription updated datetime


shipping_address Shipping address added on the subscription


loop_customer_portal_link Password-less login link of the customer portal valid for 24 hours from the generated time


Order-related events like “Loop order skipped” are sent with a payload having these extra fields:

Order-related data:

Field Description Type
skipped_order_billing_date When was the skipped order scheduled to be charged String
order_skipped_at When was the order skipped String

Payment-related events like “Loop payment failed and will be retried,” “Loop payment failed and last retry left,” and “Loop payment failed” are sent with a payload having these extra fields:

Payment-related data:

Field Description Type
billing_attempt_id Shopify ID of the billing attempt Bigint
billing_attempt_error_code Error code sent by Shopify for the billing attempt String
billing_attempt_error_message Error messages sent by Shopify for the billing attempt String
billing_retries_left Billing retries left Integer
billing_retry_delay_days Billing retry interval (in days) Integer
billing_attempt_created_at Billing created datetime String

Use custom attributes to create segments for targeted messaging

After the integration is connected, you can create a dynamic segment in Attentive using the custom attributes from Loop Subscriptions. The following table lists the available custom attributes available for segmentation:

Custom Attribute Description
loop_active_subscriber Boolean to determine if the customer has active loop subscription or not
loop_active_subscription_count Number of active subscriptions of the customer
loop_paused_subscription_count Number of paused subscriptions of the customer
loop_cancelled_subscription_count Number of canceled subscriptions of the customer
loop_expired_subscription_count Number of expired subscriptions of the customer
loop_next_billing_date Next order date for the customer


We’re here to help! Contact support@loopwork.co to ask about the Attentive + Loop Subscriptions integration.

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