
Use the Attentive + Elevar integration to recognize returning users without the restrictions of browser-set cookies and send 2-3x more cart and browse abandonment emails. With this integration, you can increase cart abandonment revenue by 7-30%.


Ensure that you meet the following requirements in order to set up this integration:

  • Have an active Elevar account on the Starter plan or higher (sign up here) and have completed the onboarding process
  • Be using Elevar’s Fully Managed Server
  • Be either a Shopify or Headless Shopify merchant

Now, complete the following procedure to set up the integration for Elevar and Attentive.

Set up the integration

Set up your Attentive destination following these steps.

Instantly increase cart and browse abandonment revenue

After the integration is connected, the net new events that Elevar’s server-side tracking identifies automatically start entering your live Attentive browse abandonment, cart abandonment, and post purchase journeys. If any identical events are received, Attentive uses the first event received in the journey and discards the other(s).

Split test to see the net new revenue generated by Elevar

If you put the integration in test mode, Elevar sends custom events instead of eCommerce events to Attentive. You can create new journeys based on the custom events to send cart abandonment messages to net new abandoners only via these steps.


We’re here to help! Contact help@getelevar.com to ask about the Attentive + Elevar integration.

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