Grow your text marketing list and your email list at the same time using Attentive’s best-in-class sign-up forms. Customers can opt in to both email and text marketing in the same sign-up flow. Our integration ensures that emails automatically sync to Silverpop (also known as Acoustic Campaign) so that you can start sending marketing emails immediately. This integration also helps you keep your contact data and opt-in status up-to-date.
Postback data
Through this integration, Attentive shares the following data with Silverpop:
- list ID
- custom fields
Ensure that you meet the following requirements in order to set up this integration:
- You must have a Silverpop account
Now, complete the following procedures to set up the integration.
Step 1. Collect Silverpop information
Log in to your Silverpop account and collect the following information:
- Engage Pod—This is the number appended to the login URL for Silverpop. For example, if your login URL is, your Engage Pod is 4.
- Client ID, Client Secret, and Refresh Token—Complete the steps outlined in Application account access to create a unique client ID, secret, token, and then save this information for the Attentive connection. It is recommended that you name the application Attentive so that it is easily identifiable.
- List ID—The unique ID of your contacts list in Silverpop. Contacts from Attentive will be added to this list.
Step 2. Set up the integration in Attentive
Now, complete the following procedure to set up the integration in Attentive:
- Navigate to the integrations setup page and select Silverpop.
- Enter the details that you previously collected in Step 1:
- List ID
- Client ID
- Engage Pod
- Client Secret
- Refresh Token
- Click Set up integration.
Your Silverpop account is now connected to Attentive.
We’re here to help! Contact our White Glove team ( to ask about the Attentive + Silverpop integration.