
The WooCommerce integration allows you to sync your entire product catalog to Attentive so you can send high-performing journeys such as back in stock, low inventory, and price drop. It also lets you segment your customers and branch journeys based on your customers’ purchasing and browsing activity.

With this integration, you can:

  • Send high-performing journeys and branch journeys based on product attributes or inventory (e.g., only send a message if the product is in stock)
  • Segment customers based on purchasing and browsing activity using product data such as name, category, tag, price, and other attributes

See Use your product data in Attentive to learn more about how you can use product data to add personalized details to messages; create custom, dynamic segments based on products subscribers interacted with; and much more.

Note: Before setting up the WooCommerce integration in Attentive, make sure that each product in WooCommerce has a unique identifier, such as SKU. Products without a unique identifier will fail validation and won’t be synced. 


Ensure that you meet the following requirements in order to set up this integration:

  • A WooCommerce account

Now, complete the following steps to set up the integration for WooCommerce and Attentive.

Step 1. Install the Attentive Tag WordPress plugin

  1. Download the Attentive Tag WordPress plugin file here.
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin page.
  3. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  4. In the top-right corner of the plugins discovery page, click Upload.
  5. Drag and drop the attentive-woocommerce.zip plugin file onto the screen to start the installation.
  6. When the plugin is successfully installed, click Manage plugin on the confirmation screen. (You can also reach this screen from the left navigation menu by selecting Plugins > Installed Plugins.)
    A list of installed plugins appears.
  7. Find the Attentive Tag WP Plugin, and click its Settings link.
  8. At the top of the Attentive Tag Settings screen (you might need to scroll up to see this), enter your Attentive Domain, and click Save.
    Note: If you're unsure of your Attentive domain, you can find it in any SMS message you've sent out. You'll see a short URL in this format:
    [attentive domain].attn.tv

Once these steps are complete, you can complete the integration setup in Attentive.

Step 2. Set up the integration in Attentive

Now, complete the following procedure to set up the integration in Attentive:

  1. Navigate to the integrations setup page and select WooCommerce.
  2. Click Install.
  3. Enter your Base Store URL.
  4. Click Set up integration.

Now, go to WooCommerce to complete the integration.

Step 3. Approve the connection in WooCommerce

In your WooCommerce account, click Approve to complete the integration with Attentive.

Step 4. Confirm the integration in Attentive

Now, return to your WooCommerce app in Attentive and confirm that the Installed button is grayed out, indicating that your app is installed.

Your WooCommerce account is now connected to Attentive.

Note: If you’re using CloudFront, you need to disable caching of the Attentive tag. To do this, see WooCommerce/CloudFront - disable tag caching.


We’re here to help! Contact whiteglove@attentivemobile.com to ask about the Attentive + WooCommerce integration.

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