Attentive Email: July

We’ve released a number of exciting updates to Attentive’s email platform over the past month. These include:

Self-Serve Email Warmups

You can now kick off the email warmup process yourself in Attentive. This new functionality allows you to schedule a series of emails with gradually increasing volume to build their sender reputation with inbox providers. Once your domain is warmed up, you can send regular campaign emails with high confidence around deliverability.

Scheduling a series of email warmup campaigns in Attentive.

For more information on how you can schedule their own warmup campaigns, check out this article here.

Cross-Channel Attribution

We’ve made updates to our attribution model. Now, when a user makes a purchase and their last touch was outside of the given attribution window for that channel (e.g. email), we’ll attribute revenue to the last touch from the other channel if the last touch was within the attribution window for the other channel (text).

More details can be found in the Help Center article here.

Analytics Dashboard

Email customers can now view side-by-side email and SMS metrics on the Analytics dashboard. You can filter by data range and see email trend lines for key metrics such as:

  • Revenue
  • Send Volume

Analtyics dashboard with side-by-side email and text message data.
View the Help Center article for more information.

[Beta] iOS Revenue Attribution Opens

With the release of iOS 15, any subscriber that uses Apple Mail will have their email images prefetched and cached, causing those emails to register as "opened," even if the recipient didn't physically open the email. This feature allows you to exclude those iOS opens from your email performance numbers. To be included in the beta, please reach out to your CSM.

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