FAQs: Offer distribution

When you create unique or integrative offers in Attentive, you can control which codes are valid to be distributed during a specific timeframe and when these codes should expire. Use this guide to answer frequently-asked questions. 

Which messages do distribution windows impact?

All campaigns and journeys (both email and SMS) with the exception of any auto-responses or already subscribed responses.

Does Attentive control when a code expires?

No, the distribution window within Attentive only refers to the timeframe during which a code is eligible to be sent to a subscriber. The code itself is managed by your eCommerce platform.

If I’m using email and SMS sign-up units, will my subscribers receive one code or two?

Subscribers will receive one code. By default, all offers have a distribution window of “never expires.” This means Attentive will assign the same code for both email and SMS as long as it hasn’t yet been redeemed. If you prefer for email and SMS to have unique codes, use Time to live = 0 days.

I want to include a specific offer in a campaign, but I don’t see it as an option to select. Why is that?

The offer you’re trying to use could be ineligible because:

  • Auto-generated (integrated) offers are incompatible with campaigns.
  • There aren’t enough codes available to cover the size of the campaign audience. In this case, upload more codes.

Note: Attentive assumes every recipient will receive a new code with the message, but the actual behavior is based on the distribution window.
It was deleted.

If I choose a custom time period for the distribution window, what timezone is used?

Custom time periods use your company timezone, which is managed in Settings. The codes will be valid from the start of the first day until the end of the last day (e.g., a start date of 1/1 and an end date of 1/31 would be valid from midnight on 1/1 through 11:59pm on 1/31).

Note: If the beginning of a coupon distribution range is upcoming, the UI will show 0 offers remaining when you upload a new set of offers. The offers aren't yet valid before the distribution range, but they are synced and will be available during the assigned time. 

If I edit the distribution window for an existing offer, will it go into effect retroactively?

Yes, distribution windows are assessed at the time a subscriber receives a message with an offer. Once you make a change, any future messages with that offer follow the current distribution window setting.

What happens if a subscriber opts out and then resubscribes at a later date? Will they receive a new code?

When a person resubscribes, they receive a valid code from the offer attached to the sign-up unit at the time of resubscribe. If a subscriber has previously redeemed a code from the same offer, or if it has expired (outside the distribution window), they receive a new, valid code. If the previous code is still valid and hasn’t yet been redeemed, we resend the previous code.

Edge case: If the code is part of a batch that was deleted previously, the subscriber will continue to receive it because we are unable to evaluate the distribution window for deleted codes.

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