Add custom link tracking parameters to offers and offer links in text messages

You can enhance link tracking by applying custom link tracking parameters to offers and offer links. This gives you greater precision and control over how you track and analyze offer redemption.

Note: With this new functionality, we’ve moved the ability to add an offer to campaign and journey text messages into the { } Insert variable window. You no longer need to attach an offer before you add a dynamic offer code or link to your message.

Clicking the ‘Add personalization’ button for a text message, selecting the {{}} variable, and attaching an offer.

Add custom link tracking parameters to offer links in text messages

You can add custom link tracking parameters to the resolved links for the following dynamic links in campaign and journey messages:

  • {{}}
  • {{subscriber.signupOffer.couponScreenLink}} (welcome journeys only)
  • {{}} (welcome journeys only)
Example: You want to send a series of campaign messages that announce your annual holiday sale. Each message includes an offer link. You want to see which message drives the most clicks, so you add distinct custom link tracking parameters for each offer link.
  1. Attach an offer to a campaign message or a journey.
  2. Click { } to add {{}} to a campaign or journey message.
  3. Click + Add parameter.
    The option to ‘Add parameter’ in the ‘Insert variable’ window for the offer link variable.
  4. Enter a parameter Name and Value. For example, to add a parameter to track an email message for a holiday sale, enter event as its Name and holiday_sale as its Value.
    • In addition to static values, you can also add variables, like {{}}. Click { } to add a variable.
    • If Enable Google Analytics Link Tracking is turned on, a parameter named utm_campaign is automatically created for you. Click the checkbox to turn it on or off. If it’s turned on, be sure to add a value.
    • You can combine freeform text and multiple variables in a value. For example: holiday_sale_{{message.messageId}}_{{message.messageName}}
  5. (Optional) Click + Add parameter to create additional parameters.
  6. (Optional) Click the X next to a parameter to remove it.
  7. Click Insert.

Add custom link tracking parameters to offers

You can add custom link tracking to offers to ensure that when those offers are attached to campaign messages and journeys, they always include link tracking parameters.

Example: You add a custom link tracking parameter, event=holiday_sale, to an offer. You attach the offer to a series of campaign messages that announce your annual holiday sale. Because you set up the custom link tracking parameter event=holiday_sale at the offer level, that parameter is automatically added to the resolved {{}} in campaign messages where the offer’s attached.
  1. Go to Offers.
  2. Create or edit an offer.
  3. In the Destination URL towards the bottom of the page, type the parameter and value you want to use at the end of the URL, e.g.: ?event=holiday_sale.
    A custom 'event=holiday_sale' tracking parameter added to the end of the offer's 'Destination URL'.
  4. Continue creating or editing the offer, then click Create/Update when finished.

Understand which link tracking parameters take precedence

When setting up custom link tracking parameters, the following order of precedence applies:

  1. Global parameters: Apply to all messages unless overridden.
  2. Message-level parameters: Override global parameters.
  3. Offer or CDS-level parameters: Parameters at the offer or CDS level are included in the resolved URL, but message-level parameters with the same name will override them.
  4. Link-level parameters: Override all other parameters, including global, message, offer, and CDS.

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