Connect Attentive with Punchh, a loyalty platform, to grow your list of SMS subscribers. You can reward your customers with loyalty points when they sign up to receive SMS marketing campaigns.
The Punchh integration includes the following features:
- Send SMS subscriber status from Attentive to Punchh: Forwards subscriber SMS opt-in/opt-out status from Attentive to Punchh by matching email and phone to a loyalty account.
- Ingest loyalty attributes from Punchh into Attentive for segmentation (Punchh Amplify): Ingests real-time user events. You’ll need an API key from Punchh. This is referred to as the BAK (Business Admin Key). Contact your Attentive CSM to set up the webhooks synchronization.
- Sync bulk user profiles: A one-time process to bulk upload all existing Punchh loyalty accounts into Attentive for user attribute-based segmentation. Only required if you have existing Punchh loyalty accounts when you start integrating with Attentive. Contact your Attentive CSM to set this up.
- Collect loyalty sign-ups through Attentive: Captures Punchh loyalty sign-up user intent through sign-up units and/or texted-a-keyword journeys. Contact your Attentive CSM to set this up.
- Send SMS from Punchh via the Attentive Messages API: Contact your Attentive CSM to set this up.
- Collect SMS subscribers from Punchh sign-up units and in-app sign ups: Contact your Attentive CSM to set this up.
We’re here to help! Contact our White Glove team ( to ask about the Attentive + Punchh integration.