
Leverage Friendbuy's integration with Attentive to grow your SMS and email subscriber lists and seamlessly automate referral and loyalty program customer communications with both email and text messages.

After you set up this integration, customer profiles are created in Attentive for any opted-in phone numbers and/or email addresses captured through Friendbuy. Available customer data is added to Attentive profiles, including Advocate and Friend details, personalized referral links (PURLs), and discount codes, which you can include your messaging through Attentive.

For example, use Attentive Journeys to send a personalized email or SMS message to thank an Advocate for sharing, or remind them to continue sharing by including their PURL. You can also message referred Friends to provide product recommendations after they earn a discount code.

If you have a loyalty program with Friendbuy, you can trigger Journeys for events such as joining the program or earning rewards from a purchase.


Ensure that you meet the following requirements in order to set up this integration:

  • Friendbuy account login (with Admin permissions)
  • Attentive account with the Friendbuy custom app installed
  • Attentive signUpSourceID (provided by Attentive)
  • Friendbuy referral or loyalty program set up with widgets that capture customer email addresses and phone numbers

Now, complete this procedure to set up the integration.

Data shared with Attentive

The following attributes are available in a customer profile in Attentive for segmentation:


We’re here to help! Contact to ask about the Attentive + Friendbuy integration.

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